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Gossip Guys: It Turns Out Gossiping Might Be Essential For Bromance

As women, we always get the bad end of the stick when it comes to “gossip”. Men especially will throw their 2 cents in as they casually listen to our conversations with our girlfriends and comment on how catty or gossipy we are. But, in fact the whole roles gave been reversed. See, men are just as bad with the gossip. I can remember divulging a secret to my boyfriend about a friend of ours, which I made him swear to secrecy to not tell anyone about this problem. Well, what do you know I happen to overhear a conversation with my boyfriend and 2 other friends of his discussing the “secret”, I of course was infuriated by his actions. Or how bout when the guys get together and hang out they are talking smack about this girl or this guy, how their dressed or who they’re dating. Really, I guess boys will be boys, they gossip just as much as girls. So I found this article and thought it was interesting.

Gossip Guys: It Turns Out Gossiping Might Be Essential For Bromance

by Gena Kaufman
Glamour May 2012

Do you know any guys that are always like, “Ugh, you and your friends gossip sooo much!” but then he secretly listens and laughs, while simultaneously checking TMZ for the latest celebrity news? I do. All of them.

OK, I’m exaggerating, but the point is: everyone gossips. A new study of gossip and its effects on friendships in men and women, originally published in the journal Sex Roles, has revealed some expected and unexpected information. In unsurprising gender stereotypes that are actually true, women tend to gossip more than men. I’d roll my eyes but I’m such a big gossip that I can’t even pretend to deny I’m not totally guilty of being a gossip girl.

Here are some noteworthy gossip stats:

Women prefer to gossip about the physical appearance of others. Sigh. To be fair, it’s not necessarily all catty.

Women were more likely to be up on “social information gossip then men, i.e., who’s dating whom, who broke up, etc.

Men actually are the bigger gossips when it comes to “achievement related gossip” such as information about grades, salaries, and other status-related information.
Most surprisingly however, was the suggestion that gossip can actually strengthen male friendships. Apparently, gossip has a moderately strong effect on male friendships because amongst men, bonding is linked with more status. When a guy has more knowledge and control of information, he has more status. Women, on the other hand, characterize their friendships by communion or intimacy. Gossip doesn’t strengthen female friendships and might even be a threat to them.

Huh. Who knew that gossip, not crushing beer cans on their own foreheads, might be a bro bonding activity?

Are you a big gossip? Is your guy? Does it affect your friendships?


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